
Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Sport Trends in the Ymca

There are multiple ways that recent trends in the sport industry are affecting the YMCA. A majority of them would be revolving around the economy and how the YMCA is considered a luxury to the people. Others would be the increase of fitness in the world and sport curiosity and also the elderly still maintaining their healthy lifestyles. The increased popularity of celebrity athletes in the world are leading to an increased popularity in the sport world (Balmer, 2009). The battle against obesity is increasing the number of people who join a fitness club or health organization.Also, many people are beginning to try to find both healthier lifestyles and seeking a balance between work and leisure (Sports, 2007). Lastly, the way that kids are being taught is changing; practices are becoming known as best practices and the kids are learning more of the sport and becoming better (Stephens, 2009). All members of the YMCA consider it as a luxury to their life. They would not die without it an d do not need it to sustain their current life. When the economy is bad so is the amount of memberships that are still active. If a member encounters a financial situation the first thing that would go would be their YMCA membership.Employees at the YMCA know this, â€Å"At Countryside YMCA, we welcome everyone’s involvement by providing financial assistance to subsidize memberships or classes for eligible families or individuals† so they encourage and run a scholarship program (YMCA). This program encourages young people to stay active and fit while still in school. If your parent may not be able to afford you a full time membership as long as you maintain good grades and can prove that you are a full time student then you will be supplied with a membership at next to nothing if not for nothing at all.Another current trend affecting the YMCA would be the new attitudes toward maintaining health and the attitudes of the elderly toward staying active. The YMCA recently h eld their annual Halloween run. This event is a marathon through the mud. Many officials were very concerned with their recent numbers and were in fear that the marathon would be a disaster and they might actually have to cancel the event. They stuck through it and held the event and they had one of the best turnouts they have ever had. It was because of the youth and the elderly banning together to make this event so amazing.The number for the amount of people participating in the event ages 40 and on increased from a meager 15% to an astounding 35%. The number of people participating from the ages of 18 to 40 nearly doubled. With the increase of sport curiosity the YMCA is prospering because they offer a variety of sports. The increased popularity of celebrity athletes is affecting the YMCA extremely. One of the founders of the YMCA was Neil Armstrong and a lot of people sign up just for that reason. As bicycling expands and the popularity of Lance Armstrong grows the YMCA is begi nning to develop into the trend by now offering spinning classes.Also, as the world of mixed martial arts expands they YMCA went from offering just karate classes to offering more diverse classes that people like to watch and want to learn how to do them. It is clearly obvious that there is a major hike in the world obesity rate. Effects from this rises are people wanting to become more active in the fitness area. â€Å"Health Organization, since 1980, the number of obese people in the world has more than doubled and that in 2008, 1. 5 billion people aged 20 years old and older are overweight and 500 million are obese† (Danek, 2011).Since the YMCA maintains a friendly environment where there is a mass amount of different programs offered more people are beginning to go to the YMCA. Next, people have to work longer and harder schedules at work. This is leading them to have no time to go to a gym or enroll in a class that meets on a certain day and time. The YMCA offers an affo rdable place to work out whenever you want to. It is open nearly all day and all areas are open at any point in the day. If a person is having a tough time balancing their business world with their activity world there wouldn’t be a better place than the YMCA for them.Lastly, the way kids are being coached and how practices are ran are becoming more proficient and more focused on the kids overall ability. Coaches are learning they way to manipulate a kid and get their full potential out. This is certainly happening at the YMCA from their basketball games to their baseball games. Kids are being coached a lot better leading to more success in their games. References Balmer, K. (2009). Sport industry trend. Foresight, Retrieved from http://foresight-trendscan. blogspot. com/2009/09/sports-industry-trends. html Danek, K. (2011).Trends and opportunities for small business companies and entrepreneurs in the sports industry. Entreprenuers Week, Retrieved from http://entrepreneurweek . com/business/2011/10/03/trends-and-opportunities-for-small-business-companies-and-entrepreneurs-in-the-sports-industry/ Sports, A. (2007). Industry trends. Retrieved from http://www. amersports. com/about/corporate_structure/our_industry/ Stephens, R. (2009). Top 10 sports/social media trends of 2010. Sports Networker, Retrieved from http://www. sportsnetworker. com/2009/12/24/top-10-sports-social-media-trends-of-2010/ The ymca. (2011). Retrieved from http://www. countrysideymca. org/

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

A Whole New Mind – Essay

A Whole New Mind Almarene Lowndes EDL 546 – Summer 2012 May 31, 2012 A whole new mind is a must read for ALL teachers, administrators, and other stakeholders. This book has inspired me to seriously think about my own teaching practices as I strive to prepare my students and I for professional success. After reflecting on the concepts in Daniel Pinks’ book I have asked myself if my school District and I are effectively preparing my students for the future?With budget cuts, high stakes testing, and pressure to raise student test scores have we failed to foster activities that enable students to utilize their brains right hemisphere ultimately, leaving them unequipped for our future? We have reduced the amount of time elementary students spend in Art, Music, and PE. In my own Kindergarten classroom I often struggle with allowing my students to build their creativity because of the pressure of time constraints and adhering to learning schedules/pacing guides.In the introduc tion, Pink gives background knowledge on the functions of the left and right hemispheres of the brain and clears up misconceptions that many people hold. Pink tells us that the left and right hemispheres of the brain work together. However, the left hemisphere is sequential which gives it the capability to analyze details and the right hemisphere is simultaneous which aids in synthesizing the bigger picture. This information can easily be related to teaching. When teaching my kindergarten students concepts of print, phonemic awareness, and phonics I am tapping into my students left hemisphere.For example, teaching my kindergarteners that we read from left to right, learning the alphabet, and decoding are activities that utilize their left hemisphere. The use of lower to higher level questioning requires students to utilize their left and right hemisphere as well. For example, after reading a story to my class, we discuss and answer questions about the texts we have read. When I ask my students to recall information from a story the left hemisphere is more active. However, when I ask my students higher-level questions that require them to think beyond the story their brains are eliciting help form the right hemisphere.Examples, of these types of questions are: how do you think the character feels, what is the most important part of the story, and what personal connections can you make to the story? Even things such as speech, fluency, and cadence of a story require students to utilize their brains right hemisphere. In a cleverly titled section called: Fear and Loathing in My Amygdales n Pink describes, â€Å"the two almond-shaped structures that serve as the brain’s Homeland Security. † They are called amygdalas. The function of these structures is to process emotions particularly fear.He explained that the left hemisphere is more active in processing this information. I found it interesting when he stated that the right amygdala is stimulated whe n processing faces. It is able to analyze the parts of a face as a whole to come to a conclusion about how one feels. Pink mentioned that this idea transcends to any culture. As an ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) certified teacher, I most often receive students who do not speak the English language. One strategy that I use is facial expressions to convey meaning which I now know requires support from our brains right hemisphere.According to Pink our culture has always held L-Directed Thinkers such as lawyers and engineers in high esteem. He points out that now value is being placed on the R-Directed Thinkers such as artist, counselors, and inventors. While I would argue, that both types are thinkers are needed. In my own classroom I would like to make a conscious effort to foster both types of thinkers so that my students can successfully integrate both ways of thinking into their lives. According to Pink teachers live R-Directed lives. However, in my organization I f eel our way of thinking is not supported in the way that the school system is currently structured.There are some key points that I feel our school system should adopt. Furthermore, these same themes can be used in my own classroom to produce learners who are L and R- Directed Thinkers. The themes that resonate with me the most are: Symphony, Empathy, Play, and Meaning. â€Å"Symphony†¦ is the ability to put together the pieces. It is the capacity to synthesize rather than to analyze; to see relationships between seemingly unrelated fields; to detect broad patterns rather than to deliver specific answers; and to invent something new by combining elements nobody else thought to pair. Empathy is defined as putting yourself in someone else’s shoes. Play is the idea that work is not just about being serious it is about play as well. Meaning focuses on seeking purpose and the greater good. I would like to think of myself as a sympathetic teacher like Mr. Bomeisler. I am very encouraging as I touch every child while I am working. In my own classroom I strive to help my students reach the highest level of learning, which is synthesizing. Conversely, I have fallen short because while I help my students see relationships between related fields, I need to strive to help them see the relationships between unrelated fields.In many ways I have missed those opportunities to help my students develop their powers of Symphony through simple tasks like drawing, listening to classical music, and celebrating amateurness. I feel that many K-12 teachers struggle with this in their teaching. An example of this is in team teaching. In team teaching a group of teachers, working together, plan, conduct, and evaluate the learning activities for the same group of students. In practice, team teaching has many different formats but in general it is a means of organizing staff into groups to enhance teaching.Teams generally comprise staff members who may represent different are as of subject expertise but who share the same group of students and a common planning period to prepare for the teaching. To facilitate this process a common teaching space is desirable. Team teachers and teachers alike must begin to see the connections between subject areas themselves in order to help students to achieve this. Most often you will hear someone who teaches Science say, â€Å"I do not teach Reading. † This as you may of guessed is untrue since teaching Science is teaching the components of nonfiction text.I also feel, that most schools don’t allow teachers the opportunities to plan together and discuss the relationships between their fields. Many administrators are not empathetic to the idea that if we really want students to be successful they must allow us the time to engage in conversations and planning with each other. Most often team teachers as is the case at my school do not even have the same planning time. We can improve this at my school by al lowing time for us to plan together not only as teammates but as grade levels. In our mailroom it would be cool if we had an inspiration board.This simple idea will help us to expand our minds. Lastly, I suggest that we read and discuss books as grade levels such as: Dialogue, Metaphors We Live By, and No Waste. We always are given professional development books to read when we are given the time to get together. How powerful would it be for the R-Direct Thinkers in my organizations if we were allowed the opportunity to read and discuss these books? You would think that in my organization everyone is empathetic and in turn teaches students to empathize with one another.I am very empathetic and must say that I do wonderful job of guiding my students as they develop relationships with one another. I model this as I develop relationships with not only my students but my parents as well. On the other hand it saddens me to say that every teacher is not empathetic. My mom always told me t hat, â€Å"students don’t learn until they learn that you care. † When you build valuable relationships with students and parents it increases students achievement. In my school environment I feel that we should start with being empathetic with each other.Very few principles show empathy for their employees, which make it hard to foster caring relationships with colleagues at work. Recently, school climates have shifted from working together to competing against each other. As odd as it may sound I would argue that many teachers do not even trust each other. For example, First grade teachers do not trust that Kindergarten teachers have effectively taught their students. Second grade teachers do not trust that First grade teachers have done their jobs. This trend goes from grade to grade.As a result, teachers spend valuable instructional time re teaching information to students. Instructional time should be fun to students. At times I often forget this simple concept. A s a teacher I have found it my personal goal to find creative ways to put the fun back into teaching and learning. On my quest to fulfill this goal there are several suggestions from Pink that I will use to do this. One thing that my group members at JU and I are studying is how can we use gaming to increase students’ achievement? According to Pink, gaming plays a significant role in learning.James Paul Gee argues that games can be the ultimate learning machine. I might also add that games are fun and engaging for students. Next year, I plan to bring my Wii to school and allow students to play games such as Reading Rabbit and Sesame Street in my classroom. Another way that my organization and I can foster the idea of play is being humorous with our students and us. The pressures of high stakes testing, time management, and top bottom pressure exerted on teachers have caused us to become less and less humorous and joyful.There are things that we can do to bring humor and joy i nto teaching. Some immediate ideas that come to mind are simply playing with our students. It is so fun to play on the playground with my students. Not only does this bring me joy but also it brings my students an equal amount of joy and humor in watching me do things that are out of the box for adults. Not only should we play with kids but we should also play with each other. I remember one year some colleagues and I decided to form a kickball team to play on this kickball league one of us had heard about.Not only did allow me to forget about the pressures of teaching it allowed us to empathize with each other through the simple act of playing. Which in turn made us more pleasant at work. Another idea that the educational organization should adopt is getting our â€Å"game on. † Not only should we utilize gaming in the classroom we should participate in gaming ourselves. Lastly, I feel that administrators and facilitators should start meetings by dissecting jokes. This is so mething that I can immediately implement when I facilitate myself.I can also do this with my kindergarteners by using simple jokes starting with knock-knock jokes. Developing happiness through play can add meaning to not only learning but our jobs as well. It is said, that we â€Å"are born for meaning† and live for self-expression and an opportunity to share that which we feel is important. I believe that at some point in time every teacher is passionate about his or her job and are often looking for the opportunity to share his or her expertise. Somehow this passion fades as we stop looking inside ourselves to make meaning out of our jobs.Something that my grade level has done to build meaning is utilizing teardrops. Every teacher on my grade level purchased a small pail to place teardrops in. Each of us was given paper made teardrops that we use to show our gratitude for things that we have done, or modeled, or shared with one another. For example, I was once given a teard rop for staying late to help the people who were new to my grade level fill out student snapshots after I was already done. I gave a tear to another teacher for allowing me the gift of observing her teach a lesson to her students on connections.In my opinion this simple act can add a sense of purpose to our job. This can be implemented on all grade levels and adapted to our students. Pink states that Right-Brainers will rule the future. As teachers we can equip our students for this new era. Administrators can help R-Directed thinkers such as ourselves by creating an environment that is conducive to the way that we think. By implementing simple strategies suggested in A Whole New Mind we can once again find joy in teaching as we strive to increase student achievement.There are many pearls that I have taken from this book. One of the pearls I have taken from this book is that the simple act of empathizing can help to increase student achievement. Another is the idea that play is esse ntial to my classroom and environment as it brings happiness and joy. Also, it is important to look at things from the bigger picture and lastly, seeking purpose and the greater good seems to define us uniquely as humans. Reference: Pink, D. (2005). A Whole New Mind. New York: The Penguin Group.

Integration Into Latest Advances In OSM Anthropology Essay

This study was written as a consequence of the accrued information available on the sweetening of edifice building. I am convinced that there was a demand for a study that covered the rules which were involved in offsite fabrication which could guarantee that all readers had a good apprehension of the importance of the topic for future developments. The purpose of the study was to be able to acquire an apprehension of the topic and to to the full understand the emerging progresss which will happen in offsite- fabrication within the UK. The method is to present the background of offsite fabrication, including and brief analysis of each system, with analysis of the applications of which these methods can be applied to e.g. pupil adjustment and infirmaries. Besides the benefits of the different systems being applied to applications has be analysed, to reason an result of the hereafter advances in offsite fabrication for humanity. Associating the benefits which have been researched to other affairs such as house monetary values being predicted to lift from 2012-2014, where house builders, developers etc are acute to develop and building before the predicated day of the month at a smaller cost and clip graduated table, accomplishing higher quality building. It would accomplish a more fiscal benefit than normal from house monetary values rise, when the house monetary value lifting period has been proven. Included is an probe utilizing instance surveies of developments which have used OSM systems, which has helped to back up the research for the emerging progresss.IntroductionThe ground behind this survey is to reason what we within the UK can anticipate to see for the close hereafter of edifice building and engineering, and emerging progresss in Offsite Manufacturing. As recent house monetary values within the market are being predicted to hold a rise from 2012, with demand, activity and monetary values, the activity during 2012-2014 should be likely to a rise, promoting increased engagement by house builders, developers, loaners and investors.The construct of OSMOffsite industry or building refers to constructing constructions being built non at the location of usage but at a different location, which occurs in a specifically designed fabrication warehouse or works. This kind of procedure industries parts or faculties of the edifice which is at foremost constructed in the mill so transported on specially designed dawdlers to the site. Once on site, the edifice is installed on lasting concrete foun dations, which are already positioned before bringing of prefabricated parts. These edifices meet all applicable edifice ordinances and are identical from onsite buildingTechniquesVolumetricThe volumetric technique uses units which are three dimensional faculties that are prefabricated in a mill environment, with the taking market being of either a closed faculty design bathroom cods or units suited for pupil adjustment etc of a one sleeping room layout being used continuously. There are besides unfastened sided faculty units which are besides used that allow deeper program edifices to be constructed, but offer less chances for developing upon proficient inside informations. The benefit achieved from utilizing a volumetric attack is being able to do extremely serviced countries within mill conditions. More than 30 trade activities are transferred off-site, taking to fewer people on site, easier commissioning and less rework. ( Langdon & A ; Everest, 2004 issue 42 ) . The cost of the undertaking normally depends on volume and complexness, but besides for specializer applications which can be of a limited production figure the costs can be exceeded. Whereas, if the production where to be of larger volumes of insistent plants, so the cost of the undertaking can be reduced somewhat. Resulting in the more you want of the same thing, the cheaper it can be.PanellisedThe Panellised technique consists of level panel walls, floors and roofs which are prefabricated off site and assembled on site. There are different stuffs used within the scope of different systems which are used, dwelling of lumber frames and light steel frames which are unfastened without insularity being fitted, besides mill finished units which have insularity, Windowss, doors and services installed are used. The chief market for panellised systems is residential building, where in England and Wales, lumber frame has a 5 % portion, much lower than in Scotland and other European states. ( Langdon & A ; Everest, 2004 issue 42 ) With the grounds that residential building in England and Wales has a low portion of lumber frame use, and with England covering the bulk of the UK, its demonstrates that the bulk of the UK does n't utilize adequate panellised systems. Timber panels typically add a capital cost premium of up to 5 % that can be recouped via nest eggs from reduced defects and rework in a well-managed site. ( Langdon & A ; Everest, 2004 issue 42 ) So with this in head the more expensive it may look to fix and raise the panellised system, there salvaging will be noticeable somewhat before and after the completion of the edifice. There being many advantages of utilizing panellised systems, such as the velocity, weather impact, and flexibleness of size, and with the integrating of latest package ‘s and fabricating machinery within the mill used today, it allows a drape sum of customisation to be achieved, which allows the demands of clients to be more flexible instead than being limited.HybridThe Hybrid techniques use parts from both other systems, utilizing different advantages such as utilizing the faculty technique for the serviced countries which come from a high quality fitment and others from panellised which allow that attack of flexibleness for other countries which are needed. The full intercrossed solution is comparatively rare ( Langdon & A ; Everest, 2004 issue 42 ) and this can be expected as these individual technique along are financially expensive to get down up, and to fall in the both systems into one more complex and larger service, it is able to see that a larger mill working infinite would be required for the prefabrication phases.Introduction to the Latest Advances of OSM and the application to lodging in the UKAs we have witnessed from analyzing architectural engineering, that there has been late the increased focal point of greener design schemes in edifice, people of today are now going more active with the taking portion of assisting the environment for a greener one. With many issues of sustainability being a chief focal point, people are protecting the natural resources we have staying to better our environments. Following from this is the progresss in the usage of OSM and the usage of implementing sustainable characteristic which are added within the mill, under better feasible conditions with respects to endure and waste. The rhythm of invention in alternate systems utilizing renewable and reclaimable stuffs and energy are everyplace. ( Kaufmann & A ; Remick, 2009 ) The focal point on utilizing sustainable schemes within the edifice industry, has led to an progress of the stuffs we use, take for illustration the Apple iphone being one of the taking nomadic phones of today. it no longer uses the ethical attack of a bigger phone is a better one, its changed that attack with the germinating humanity, doing a nomadic phone that you can make more with, which is better. It is now portion of a broader cultural conversation about how to make more with less. ( Kaufmann & A ; Remick, 2009 ) Compared with the edifice industry, now the methods of building we choose to take has changed besides, taking away jobs which may happen onsite such as waste, less labour hours and sustainable characteristics, leting many nest eggs within different facets. There is a high demand at the minute from markets which are successful such as hotels and pupil adjustment which are demanding work at about maximal capacity for the volumetric attack, compared to the growing of the panellised technique which has non had such an addition in demand. †¦ a 25 % modern methods quota for places funded under the Housing Corporation ‘s Approved Development Programme, demand for panelled systems is likely to increase as it is the simplest option for Housing Associations to implement. ( Langdon & A ; Everest, 2004 issue 42 ) With this is mind the capacity of the panellised technique should increase due to the increased demand made by the Housing Corporation ‘s Approved Development Programme. Sing the flexibleness of the panellised technique, it is used more frequently for the application to lodging for customisation of design, instead than being insistent like the volumetric attack.Current usage of OSMWith most places in the UK being still constructed utilizing traditional methods of building, there has been an addition in OSM for lodging. The â€Å" Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology † study that approximately 10 % of new UK places are built utilizing lumber frames, and 5 % utilizing other MMC ; tantamount to about 25,000 MMC places per twelvemonth ( Parliamental Office of Science and Technology, December 2003 ) . There is more timber frame used within Scotland compared to the remainder of the UK as this technique is easier to come across in that state as its preferred more.Tech niques emerging for OSM and there relation to lodgingWith environmental issues still refering the people of today, and developers get downing to acknowledge that it would be good to utilize sustainable methods of prefabricated architecture, benefits such as shorter clip graduated tables, better predictable costs, lower hazard issues, and authorities inducements, leads to sustainable pattern and merchandises to increase and to be used for our environments. Current lodging seen from history shows the effects of which they have on the environment and of the land they use. Sustainable design is the attack needed to make healthier environments which needs to be implementing within prefabrication for farther nest eggs. With there being emerging techniques for OSM germinating with clip, there can be unsmooth anticipations of what engineering are at manus for usage in the close hereafter. At the minute there are many techniques being introduced but merely such are really being used, these systems and techniques are listed and discussed below:SIPS ( structural insulated panel systems )A recent techniques used involves structural insulated panel systems ( SIPS ) , where insularity nucleus is bonded to sheet board to organize a panel, making a composite edifice stuff. They consist of a sandwich of two beds of structural get oning with an insulating bed of foam board in between. SIPS involve similar structural belongingss as the I beam.Eco hubsAn eco hub is a new technique of multi lodging, where they are used to power a community instead than being on a individual house, which would bring forth a better environment. Alternatively of repairing a figure of solar panels or air current turbines, which would depend on the orientation of the house, they may non be fitted to the best consequence possible. if the house was built at a better thought orientation with the other hou ses of the new physique community, the environmental engineerings could be allocated within a shared community infinite.Steel placesSteel places are besides alleged to be good for allergy sick persons, using none of the rosins, adhesives and chemicals used in other building techniques. ( kit places: eco friendly, 2008 ) . Not necessary a new technique, but it utilizes the old success of utilizing steel to make stronger constructions such as high rise edifices. Steel is different to wood and other stuffs, as it can last for a considerable sum of clip longer. Steel frame kit places will remain in the exact same form as the twenty-four hours it was built ( Benefits of utilizing steel frame kit places, 2009 ) compared to timber framed construction which over clip, turn, crook and move from enduring and land motion. There is besides the involvement in utilizing steel framed systems as it has a certain sum of fire opposition more than other stuffs and it prevents the infestation of beetli ng infection, which consequences in the long tally salvaging which can be achieved.Low C accomplishmentsAs makers are now get downing to utilize OSM, and the enforcement of the Code for Sustainable Homes has been introduced, the makers are uniting the two issues of prefabrication with sustainable characteristic. Let entirely that manufacturing offsite achieves sustainable facets for lower waste produced, lower perturbation and transit, it ‘s a concern to implement further sustainable characteristics of recycled stuffs and sustainable engineerings such as solar panels and photovoltaic panels.Comparison of Prefab and On-site for lodgingA comparing of prefabrication and onsite building has been introduced as it can assist to reason the advantages and disadvantages for lodging developments and developers. Procedure programs which have been prepared by the Salford Centre for Research and invention ( Table 1 ) shows the difference in alteration for different building techniques, with comparing to the clip for activities, when workers are needed to get on site, and other resources such as clip acquired for the usage of staging. Table 1: Comparison of different building methods that have different demandsBrick and BlockOpen panel/Advanced panel/ intercrossedVolumetricBrick layers on-site Arrival of first following trades Scaffolding in usage 44 yearss 16 hebdomads after groundbreak 11 hebdomads 20 yearss 7 hebdomads after groundbreak 8 hebdomads 20 yearss Not used 6 hebdomadsBeginning: Procedure programs prepared for the National Audit Office by the Salford Centre for Research and Innovation The tabular array above from the procedure programs are of a illustration developments of 22 homes, where bricklayers would be required to build a brick and block structured home. It clearly shows that the bricklayers clip on-site is more than half less when utilizing the prefabricated attack compared to a traditional building, and leting the reaching of the first following trades to get down more than half lupus erythematosus of clip with Panellised systems, but differing with volumetric systems as the there is no demand for following trade to be used after hard-on as the units are fitted out within the workshop with all or at least most coatings already applied. The tabular array besides demonstrates than the clip of the needed usage of staging is cut down about by 3 hebdomad with panellised systems and 5 hebdomads for volumetric which consequences in lower costs for the hire of scaffolding equipment unless the makers of the prefabrication have their ain supply of scaffolding if they provided the service of raising the construction with the cost of purchase. The tabular array above shows costs which have been calculated for a scope of providers of each different technique within the industry. The cost norm has been converted to a scope of upper terminal and lower terminal quality and costs merely cover the building type of a home. It clearly shows that for the traditional building method of onsite plants utilizing brick and block techniques and unfastened panel technique, they hold the lowest building cost of ?600-1000 per M2. As for the loanblend system, its building cost is from $ 700-1100 per M2. Following so at the highest terminal of the cost graduated table is the volumetric technique which ranges from ?780-1300 per M2. These consequences show that the traditional brick and block, and unfastened panel systems are the most cost effectual. As can be seen there is a just sum of convergence of costs for the different methods, and the volumetric technique is the most expensive with respects to building costs, but the consideration towar ds the clip nest eggs and labour salvaging etc must be taken into history as this will ensue in money nest eggs. If in the nearby hereafter there is possible for decrease in the monetary value of manufactured stuffs and constituents, this could cut down of convergence of different costs. Taking into consideration than faster building and reduced onsite work can accomplish some fiscal benefits to the undertaking Beginning: Cost computations prepared by the National Audit office utilizing information provided by the Building Cost Information Service and procedure programs developed by the Salford Centre for Research and Innovation The tabular array above shows where nest eggs are found in relation to floor country, showing that fiscal benefits can be achieved compared to a brick and block building, from utilizing intercrossed and volumetric systems, demoing significant nest eggs with relation to the old tabular array ( Table 2 ) . The National Audit Office study four advantages that provide fiscal benefits to Landlords if they were to utilize an OSM attack, such as earlier rent can be obtained from the day of the month of release, Social Housing Grants can be drawn at a earlier phase, cut downing involvement payments on capital to fund developments, snagging costs are reduced because off-site building elements are capable to the tighter quality control made possible in mill conditions and the demand for on-site review decreases as the sum of off-site work additions. ( National Audit Office, November 2005 ) . With these four advantages of fiscal benefits from faster building and cut down onsite work, it allows developers to go a portion of a new age for OSM. Beginning: Cost computations prepared by the National Audit office by the Building Cost Information Service utilizing procedure programs developed by the Salford Centre for Research and Innovation The tabular array above shows an addition in the proportion of costs that are incurred offsite, where there has been research undertaken to see where most costs occur and the differences, and it clearly shows a monolithic decrease in the clip spent for on-site stuffs and on-site labor for the volumetric technique compared with the brick and block, with the unfastened panel and intercrossed systems sitting in between to two for a balance of both universes. Resulting with if volumetric attacks lowered there cost of offsite fabrication it would increase the demand and fight.Advantages & A ; Disadvantages of prefabricationAdvantagesSelf back uping constituents are used, so the demand for formwork and staging are lowered.The sum of clip for building is reduced and constructions are finished faster, leting an earlier return on the capital invested in the undertaking.Onsite building work and any possible congestion is minimised.The quality of the completed built tends to be of a better qual ity as the status are less effected by enduring.Less waste is produced as they are manufactured in mill conditions, doing it easier to recycle the waste back into another usage.Templates can be used to retroflex insistent physiquesDisadvantagesIt is required that careful handling of constituents like glass and concrete panels is undertakenAttention to detail demands to be taken into consideration sing the that the construction would be less likely to neglect at articulationsAssociating to the old, where leaks can organize at the articulations if attending to item is non takenTransportation system for the volumetric technique can be somewhat more compared to panellised systems which can be packed more expeditiously for less journeys.Large subdivisions can sometimes necessitate the hire of big Crane and preciseness plants to put into the allocated placeMain drivers for utilizing OSM in lodgingA consideration towards the chief drivers for utilizing OSM in lodging relating to Modern Met hods of Construction has been research, as these facets affect the rate of which developers are utilizing OSM within lodging. The chief drivers for utilizing OSM in lodging are summarised and discussed below:Housing deficitSkills deficitsQualityWasteHousing deficitWith there being a deficit in the lodging market in the yesteryear, its allowed authoritiess and some sectors of a building industry to reconsider traditional patterns. As it is difficult for individual people to low-cost lodging, they by and large lead to flats as they are cheaper, which consequences in the authorities and sectors to be interested in how they are built compared to traditional methods as these are going more popular. An of import issue about flats is that they affect builders ‘ hard currency flow in a manner that houses do non. With houses, each one can be sold and occupied before others are built. With flats, the whole block will normally necessitate to be completed before it is safe to let residents to travel in. ( IHS BRE Press, 2007 ) This shows that hard currency flow can be a job as possible purchasers do n't desire to pay the full monetary value up front, ensuing in the demand for quicker methods for raising flats, such as modern methods of building, which has that advantage of being a faster physique. Besides the possible purchasers are by and large non that concerned about how the flats were constructed every bit long as the construction performs to a satisfactory criterion.Skills deficitsSkills being trained within the industry is falling behind compared to skilled workers go forthing the industry. The deficit in secret agents has been at least partially compensated for by inward migration and this is peculiarly true for the semi-skilled and laboring classs ( IHS BRE Press, 2007 ) . Resulting in many trades being transferred offsite for uninterrupted.QualityThe National Consumer Satisfaction Survey reported in 2003 that the satisfaction degree among buyers of new places was about 40 % . ( National Audit Offi ce, November 2005 ) . At the minute lodging is overmastering with traditional building techniques which consequences into necessitating to look into other emerging techniques. Where a house can be built with a hapless quality, it can be of a hapless design or it can neglect to conform to that design or both. As edifice companies sometimes fail to conform to the design due to bad conditions conditions that consequence the entire plan. When developers use the OSM attack, they can anticipate to be able to conform easier as the site conditions are controlled indoors, besides taking into consideration the mill machine which is used ensures high criterion of quality to conform.WasteThe sum of waste that can be produced with onsite building, seen to be wasted money, acts as a driver for utilizing modern methods of building to understate the waste, as it ‘s within a controlled environment, sing money nest eggs. Costss which the developer brushs are likely to take down over a class of clip as they will be more knowing of the system for OSM, and let them to develop better efficient schemes for onsite plants.Main barriers for utilizing OSM in lodgingThe chief barriers for utilizing OSM in lodging are summarised and discussed below:Lack of experienceland in the house edifice procedureOn site accomplishmentsLightweight building overheating jobSite restraintsLack of experienceWith a alteration in the building methods it ‘s more hard to happen house builders with good expertness in this country or at least a house builder that can pick up the method rather easy. This can merely be overcome by the usage of preparation installations to educate the trade heightening their assurance.The importance of landThe importance of land has an consequence that shows why the new physique industry for OSM is slow, but it can be likely to alter as developers are required to conform with the Code for Sustainable Homes and consequences in building onsite being somewhat disputing co mpared to earlier.On-site accomplishmentsMany makers work hard to develop hard-on crews and to do certain that they are good trained and this will necessitate to go on and spread out to run into builders ‘ concerns ( IHS BRE Press, 2007 ) . As makers can anticipate to use their ain in-house builders to build to the specifications of the design from that company, this may ensue in onsite trades being minimized, as the makers will desire to supply a better design and build service, to see in positive credibleness of merchandise and service.Lightweight buildingLightweight building methods such as Timber frame, SIPS and steel frame can hold an consequence as clime alterations and summer conditions gets hotter, the constructions may be probably to overheating. The overheating may be resolved by shadowing and airing, it can besides be resolved if the residents of the house required suites to chill quicker, where a construction of a low thermic mass would be acceptable.Site restraint sThere can be restraints which can happen when bringing of the prefabricated parts takes topographic point as the size of the site may be limited. It can merely be given to be that the sites themselves have entree restrictions. OSM techniques used within a forced site can hold its benefits of quicker hard-on which may be needed within a metropolis Centre to do fewer perturbations.Case StudiesRecycled and refurbished modular edifice – baby's room, London docklandsBackground InformationThere was a demand for a new designed baby's room edifice for the University of East London ‘s Docklands campus which was constructed from refurbished edifice faculties. They required a more sustainable attack to building, a edifice of a higher quality building which met the client ‘s budgets and a composure and welcoming environment for kids of a immature age. It has demonstrated that there is a possible for this attack of a more environmentally friendly building procedure. The clien t may hold used this attack of building as some kind of nest eggs in cost, or to move environmentally towards the community as the baby's room may be a authorities funded undertaking. The baby's room shows the usage of untreated cladding which achieves a lower impact on the environment, and the construction to the full complies with edifice ordinances.The benefits achieved are:it is a edifice that is robust, significant and pleasant to the oculusCompletion on clip graduated table and on limited fundssThe creative activity of a extremely sustainable option for a new physique and a manner of take downing the edifice ‘s C footmarkThe Centre has met demands without any changes needed to the design, and provides an attractive installation, which has been good appreciated by staff, kids and parents.Modular house – PrefabricatedBackground InformationThere was a demand for a construction to be built as a modern detached brick house that is wholly prefabricated offsite, it respo nds to the rules to innovative technique and being witting to environmental issues. The construction is a standard three sleeping room household house, with the demand to cut down site holds. The modular system uses heavy steel frames and solid concrete floors. The house is moved to its lasting location in four units that are installed on to land plants in a individual twenty-four hours, leting a to the full working brooding to be assembled in less than 24 hours. Site work is confined to the laying of foundations and the connecting of faculties and landscape gardening.The Benefits achieved are:Increased predictability in costs and clipDecrease in clip needed for installingHigh thermal valuesWall highs of up to 12m achievedModular house Extension – PrefabricatedBackground InformationThere was a demand for a new extension to be added to a modern ‘Art Deco ‘ place in Cheshire, which retained the period feel of the belongings. The chief drivers and restraints of the undertaking where to understate the overall clip taken in the undertaking, with restraints from transporting the merchandises to the site. A steel building method was used with a rendered exterior coating for the prefabricated extension. It was a curving roof extension, which contained a sleeping room with en-suite installations, besides incorporating a coiling stairway. Large glass doors used to open out onto the timber deck of the bing roof. Due to the size of the needed construction the faculty was divided into two subdivisions after being fabricated within the mill to see easier transitThe Benefits achieved are:The prefabrication took six hebdomads, with all fixtures and suiting built ready into the unitsThe clip taken to unload and put in the faculties took one twenty-four hours, which allowed the clients to utilize the extension within later of the same twenty-four hours. Connection and interface points took an excess hebdomad to be appliedResults & A ; DiscussionThere are 3 chief techniques which have been investigated such as volumetric, panellised and intercrossed systems, with the benefits following being list ed: Volumetric techniques utilizing repetitiousness allow fiscal nest eggs for the developer, whereas Panellised systems chief market is residential building with a low portion of lumber frame use in England and Wales which means the bulk of the UK does n't use plenty of this technique. Besides that the Hybrid technique is rarer to be used which uses the volumetric and panellised techniques combined. The probe found that the current usage of OSM reported in 2003 shows that 10 % of new UK places use timber frames and 5 % usage other modern methods of building bring forthing about 25,000 MMC places per twelvemonth.EMERGING TECHNIQUES FOR OSMThe consequences found show the latest emerging techniques to be used within the edifice industry, which is listed below:Structurally insulated panel systems ( SIPS )EcohubsSteel placesFlat battalion house or kit placesRecycled edifice facultiesCOMPARISON RESULTS OF PREFAB AND ON-SITE CONSTRUCTIONFrom the comparing consequences of a prefabricated construction and a tradition construction that uses onsite methods more, it can be seen that the bricklayer ‘s clip needed on site is reduced and reaching of first following trades commences before with prefabrication, besides observing that the clip for Scaffolding use is minimized. Prefabrication or OSM can be given to be more expensive than traditional build building, but does integrate fiscal benefits compared to onsite traditional methods. Fiscal benefits that can be achieved compared to onsite are:Earlier rentShorter adoption periodLess snaggingLess onsite reviewThe probe found that benefits can besides be achieved from faster building and decreased onsite building, brings fiscal benefits to developers. Besides modern methods of building tend to be more expensive compared to that of onsite traditional physique.Summary and ConclusionThe aims of the survey have been researched and concluded to accomplish an apprehension of the emerging progresss.Objective 1: An probe of OSMThe research has revealed that there are three chief techniques used being volumetric, panellised and intercrossed, which panellised system being of the most cost effectual solution for lodging, but differs with the usage of volumetric as they could be used in a insistent mode for flats for illustration brings fiscal benefits.Objective 2: an probe of the latest progresss for OSMThis research has revealed that the emerging techniques are fighting to be used today within the edifice industry, with SIPS being the most advanced of the bulk of techniques progressing, as this system is the easiest to be applied to lodging applications of today. With the debut to â€Å" Ecohubs † , its can be expected to see this proficient attack to be implemented more by developer as multi lodging is at an about changeless building rate, which would profit from utilizing aA centralised country within the multi lodging to tie in these engineerings. Flat battalion lodging on the other manus is driven down as it requires external skilled workers to put in the kit, and as these technique are new to the industry, the accomplishment that understand these techniques are reasonably limited.Objective 3: an probe of OSM applied to lodging in the UKThe research has revealed that panellised systems are of the most common for the usage of OSM for bing edifices are they are more flexible with the application. The volumetric technique is besides used for bin g edifices but largely for specific sized extensions. These extensions of the volumetric attack can be seen to be debatable with the fitment of the unit to an bing wall face of a different construction type, as these techniques may non be easy compatible as they can be different, making jobs for articulations of air permeableness and leaks.Objective 4: an Investigation into the drivers and barriers of utilizing OSM for lodging.The research has revealed that there can be possible benefits that can be achieved, but besides that barriers can happen at a similar rate, so depending on the type of OSM method to be used, there costs for fiscal benefit can differ. For modern methods of building to go more popular within the edifice industry, developers and makers need to analyze there schemes to be able to get the better of any possible barrier which may forestall any farther development.Bibliography & A ; ReferencingBenefits of utilizing steel frame kit places. ( 2009 ) . Retrieved Febuary 16, 2010, from Kit Homes state broad pty ltd: hypertext transfer protocol: //www.kithomes.net.au/benefits.htm IHS BRE Press. ( 2007 ) .Modern Methods of Construction ( MMC ) in lodging. Kaufmann, M. , & A ; Remick, C. ( 2009 ) .Prefab Green.Gibbs Smith. kit places: eco friendly. ( 2008, 10 07 ) . Retrieved January 5, 2010, from channel 4: 4homes: hypertext transfer protocol: //www.channel4.com/4homes/diy-self-build/kit-houses/kit-homes-eco-friendly-08-07-10_p_1.html Langdon, D. , & A ; Everest. ( 2004 issue 42 ) .Cost Model: Off-site Industry. Retrieved from Building: hypertext transfer protocol: //www.building.co.uk/hybrid.asp? navcode=3531 National Audit Office. ( November 2005 ) .Using modern methods of building to construct places more rapidly and expeditiously. Parliamental Office of Science and Technology. ( December 2003 ) .Modern Methods of house edifice.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Discussion about the Apple Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Discussion about the Apple - Research Paper Example However, it must also be noted that Apple Inc. seeks to manage the supply and demand of their products by only producing a certain level of initial offerings as a means of stirring up a greater level of interest and support among potential clients. The firm has determined that it is more profitable to encourage individuals with an understanding that the exclusivity of the product in its entry phase is part of the overall appeal. Lastly, with regards to how the US government impacts upon a company such as Apple, it can be said that the relatively high levels of taxation that exist within the United States in conjunction with the exponentially higher labor costs have encouraged Apple to seek out third-party nations to assemble and partially developed their products. Although the ethics of this remaining question, the role and extent to which the United States government has acted in encouraging firms such as Apple to seek out the highest level of profitability possible is measurable in such a

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Case One (Stephen) (Refusal of treatment) Essay

Case One (Stephen) (Refusal of treatment) - Essay Example It will also be important to examine case law in this area to see when the courts have overridden the wishes of an individual and how this has been achieved. Through examining case law and with reference to legislation it should be possible to determine whether a doctor would have the power to override Stephen’s refusal of treatment. As there is no mention of the age of Stephen or whether he has any mental health issues, it will be necessary to consider the impact of the Children Acts and the Mental Health Acts, to determine whether these would assist Stephen in his refusal or whether a doctor would be entitled to force him to have treatment, irrespective of his wishes. The issue of consent has been encompassed into Art 5 and 8 of the Human Rights Acts (1998) (HRA), with the intention of giving respect to the autonomy of the patient. It has been noted by researches that doctors in general see consent as a legal requirement (Kessel, 1994). Human rights supporters have argued th at the protection offered to adults should also apply to mature minors, which appears to have been addressed to a minor degree within the HRA (Hagger, 2003). In order for consent to be recognised as valid the principle of informed consent has developed. Informed consent centres on the giving of sufficient information to a patient with regard to the complications that might ensure following the treatment, so that they can make an informed decision about the treatment. Actions for negligence have been successful in cases where the patient did not give informed consent (Faden and Beauchamp, 1986). An example of this is Sidaway v Bethlem RHG and others [1984]1, in which the patient had not been told of all the potential risks of the operation, and would not have given consent if they had known of these risks. Davis (2005) has argued that there should be a change in the law in relation to such matters, and that patients should be given the option as to how much information they would lik e to know about the procedure. Implied consent has occurred in situations where a patient has willingly allowed the medical professional to administer medication or injections. However, implied consent can be problematic as simple attendance at the surgery or hospital does not mean that the patient is consenting to treatment. Autonomy is important in the decision making process and many legislative changes have been made in order to ensure the autonomy of the patient. Researchers such as Faden and Beauchamp (1986) believe that a patient has to be fully informed of the probable outcomes of the treatment in order to reach an autonomous decision. They were concerned that on some occasions persuasion and coercion might be used by the medical profession or the family of the patient to appeal to the patient’s sense of reason. Internationally the Nuremberg Code 1947 and the World Medical Association Declaration of Helsinki 1964 have been established as a means of increasing patient autonomy. As mentioned earlier the HRA has also enshrined protection of the rights of adults and adolescents into the Articles, thereby increasing autonomous levels (Hewson, 2000). Many of the issues surrounding autonomy have been centred on the rights of the child, as evidenced by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child 1991 where the aim was to give children the same rights as

Saturday, July 27, 2019

DQ1JPart1 and DQ2 Bridget Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

DQ1JPart1 and DQ2 Bridget - Essay Example Documentation is very important because it provides a way to keep a written or computerized record of the work performed by the workers. â€Å"Documentation justifies employment actions, from recruitment and selection to resignation, retirement or termination† (Mayhew, 2012). The manager is responsible for the performance of his subordinates. A system that allows the employees to rate themselves is a great idea. Such a system can inspire motivated employees to achieve a higher level of performance. A potential problem of self-evaluation is employees exaggerating their level of performance (Bacal, 2012). Constructive criticism is an important element of any appraisal system. Employees have to be willing to listen to the opinions of others and accept that they may have deficiencies that must be improved. The use of training and development can enhance the skills and capabilities of the employees. Human resource professionals and managers must document their work. An example of a documentation process is the time cards that employees use when they punch into work. These cards must be saved in case there area any payroll issues associated with the payment to an employee. An industry in which proper documentation is imperative towards the ability of the professionals to provide a proper service is the medical industry (Nyu,

Friday, July 26, 2019

ANTH 2 Museum Visit Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

ANTH 2 Museum Visit - Assignment Example they believed they controlled the nature hence they did everything to please them and have their favors (Kathleen 124) .They had a king called pharaoh to whom they believed came from the gods and all religious practices centered on him. The government of Egypt used most of its resources in performing rituals and building of temples. Each individual interacted with the gods through prayers and believed in magic. They believed in life after death and they performed various funeral practices. They offered much treatment to the dead so as to maintain their bodies and spirits hence they offered various goods to the grave. They had gods that represented various things, such as sun god Ra, the creator god Amun, and the mother goddess Isis. They had strong beliefs in a pantheon of gods, who represented various aspects of society and human nature and had different roles. They controlled the forces of the nature and existed in various forms. Gods were also closely interrelated and even had gods who existed as a family as it contained the father, mother and child and they worshipped them together. The Egyptian history is of two periods, that is the first and the second intermediate periods. The first intermediate (dark period) existed for close to 100 years. Two competing bases of powers characterized this period. The Upper Egypt in Thebes, and the Lower Egypt in Heracleopolis. The reason for splitting Egypt into two power bases was political in nature as the ruler Pepi II ruled for so long time hence creating difficulties in succession hence leading to splitting, but later the Theban king who resided at the lower base conquered the north hence leading to the reunification of Egypt. The second intermediate period was also marked with political wrangles of succession. It started after the fall of the 12 dynasty. After the queen died, there was no heir to succeed her. This marked the end of the first intermediate period and the start of the second intermediate period.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Social Netwoking Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Social Netwoking - Essay Example Nowadays joining websites such as Facebook and Myspace have become a norm for the whole society. Increasingly it is seen that the younger generation is being diverted to these networking habits. Social networking has become a topic of debate these days as it is seen that many researches are being carried out to find out the pros and cons of it. This essay would revolve around the pros and cons of social networking and would present a conclusion as to what should be done with regard to the problems that it actually poses (University of Minnesota 2008). The stigma of social networking is spread all over the world to places like Pakistan and India. It has been found that social networking has many benefits when it comes to the younger generation. A study done by the researchers of University of Minnesota concluded that around 94 percent of the people use internet in which around 77 percent of them had a profile on a social networking site. The research found out the positives of social networking and related it to the skills of technology. It has been found that social networking helps in increasing technological skills along with creativity. A researcher was stated as saying â€Å"What we found was that students using social networking sites are actually practicing the kinds of 21st century skills we want them to develop to be successful today† (University of Minnesota 2008). These social networking sites can help the educators to inform the younger generation about possible topics through these social networking sites. The educators can use these social networking sites as a tool to inform and educate their audience in a way that an interest is created amongst the students (Warner 2008). Another positive of social networking websites lies in the communication that it may provide in times of emergency. Researchers have found out that these networking sites can prove to be a great tool for the transmission of information from one area to the other. In natur al disasters such as earthquakes or human influenced disasters one can easily transmit information on these social networking websites faster than the traditional media. It can help in the diffusion of information from one area to another so that everyone is informed about the calamity. It is also found that the social networking websites such as Facebook have allowed disaster management organizations to work on the website so that they can create awareness amongst the masses of the society (Inderscience Publishers 2010). Social networking also helps people to integrate with the society if they are suffering from problems. People who are suffering from social diseases such as autism are at ease when talking on the internet. Thus these social networking websites provide an advantage to these socially impaired people to talk and get engaged in conversations. It has also been found that social networking is helping people to communicate easily. While social networking has its own benef its it also has certain disadvantages which should be kept in mind when analyzing these portals. The most potent drawback of these websites is that of privacy when it comes to certain issues. It is seen that these social networking websites do not have strict privacy settings when it comes to its users. A research found that personal information of users is leaked out to the websites which help in tracking the users. A social networking

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Would there be Apple without Jobs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Would there be Apple without Jobs - Essay Example has grown by leaps and bounds. Steve Jobs’ death earlier this year has raised apprehensions about the future of Apple Inc. Research Problem With the absence of man who has been termed as the single biggest factor in the success of Apple Inc, questions arise whether Tim Cook, the new CEO, will be able to lead the company and retain its dominant position. The other big doubt that emerges is whether Apple Inc. will continue to roll out innovative products as it did during Steve Jobs’ regimen. Research Design The study has used exploratory research to identify the apprehensions raised due to Steve Jobs’ death. Descriptive research has also been used in the study to gauge the likelihood of customers purchasing the Apple brand again. Research Methodology Both primary and secondary research has been used in the study. For primary research a self administered questionnaire was got filled from 100 respondents inside Apple Stores. Findings of the Study Steve Jobs had depar ted from the Apple on earlier ocassions also. Steve Jobs had certain bad qualities and thus was not the perfect manager. Steve Jobs had resigned in August 2011 and Tim Cook, as a part of Apple’s succession plan, has been the CEO since then. ... Apple Computer started manufacturing and selling computers with the launch of Apple II personal computer in 1977. In 1980, the company issued shares to the general public and was incorporated as a public company (By 1987). A year later, in 1981, IBM released its PC and Apple had its first real competitor. In 1985, Steve Jobs left Apple due to his non-compatibility with the then CEO John Sculley. Apple continued to dominate the desktop publishing market for many years after Steve Jobs departure. Under the stewardship of Sculley, Apple grew to an $8 billion company. By 1992, the company started feeling the heat of the competition and its earnings as well as margins started falling. Under pressure to introduce another breakthrough product, Sculley invested a lot of resources on Newton, Apple’s Personal Digital Assistant (PDA). Newton did not live up to the expectation and its sales did not really take off. Scully resigned in 1993 and Michael Spindler took charge as CEO. The latte r too did not last long as Apple incurred significant quarterly losses in 1996. The board appointed Dr Gil Amelio to replace Splinder. The move did not work well. Eventually Apple decided to purchase NeXT Computer, the company that Steve Jobs had formed after his departure from Apple Computers. The purchase of NeXT marked the return of Steve Jobs at Apple Computers and the beginning of a new era. What happened after Job’s homecoming is what the world admires and looks at with awe. Today Apple has become a 32 billion dollar company primarily due to the efforts and expertise of its co-founder, Steve Jobs (Finkle 2010). The iconic Steve Jobs passed away in October 2011. He was 56 and one of the greatest innovator, technical genius and marketing wizard of his time (Streuli

How important was television and newspaper reporting in uncovering the Essay

How important was television and newspaper reporting in uncovering the 1972-74 Watergate scandal - Essay Example However, with due course of time, the media publication has emerged as a business to generate profit with larger customer base rather than focussing on its core value to provide information to the common audiences. Despite, these have been of great aid while uncovering a few noteworthy and significant facts regarding the society. One such remarkable incident in the early 1970s political history of United States was the infamous Watergate Scandal. The time frame of 1972 to 1974 is remarked to be the most significant and indeed the most remarkable in the political history of the US. It is during this period that the then president of the US democrat, Mr. Richard Nixon had to resign from his designation which was the only resignation of the US president in the political history till date. It happened during the mid of 1972 when political parties were on the mode to set their images for election programmes (Steven, 2006). According to the published reports, in 17th June, 1972 five men we re recognised trespassing in headquarter of Democratic National Committee, recording and incepting the telephonic conversations and other communications. In 15th September of the same year, two other men were accused of being directly related to the conspiracy and the infringement of the central wiretapping laws. By the beginning of the next year, it was revealed that all the accused seven people were employed by the Campaign to Re-Elect the President (CREEP). The fact fuelled the probability of the involvement of superior government officials in this case. In the mid of 1973, one of the accused men of the five, wrote a letter to the trial judge, John J. Sirica addressing a cover up of the event (Alumni Chapter, n.d.). The cover up incidentally was published in different media publications including television and newspapers. Consequently, the investigation got stimulated revealing certain major facts regarding the then political environment highlighting the role of senior governmen tal officials. Worth mentioning the fact that media publications revealed a series of events demonstrating political corruptions by manoeuvring the investigation. The facts which were revealed by the investigation until 1974 stated that John Mitchell, the then Attorney General had a secret fund amounted to almost $700,000. This sum of money was intended to be expended against the Democratic Party in the falsification of letters, leaking untrue information to the press and also pilfering campaign files. It also stated that most of the American Corporations, including the Gulf Oil Corporation, American Airlines, International Telephone and Telegraph contributed large sum of money to the ‘Nixon campaign’. Moreover, the instance also revealed that Nixon had assured the Watergate intruders to provide them ‘executive clemency’ in case they were incarcerated. He also assured them to reward huge sums of money. A piece of evidence also exposed that $450,000 was paid to the intruders headed by the order of Erlichman, one of the superior White House supporters of Nixon. Several other facts were also revealed which demonstrated the pressurising of the ‘Nixon campaign’ on the FBI officials, CIA officials and other investigating

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The Board of Boyds TSD Bank Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The Board of Boyds TSD Bank - Essay Example Larry Lizard who insisted on the group accounts being completed immediately. This situation presented an ethical dilemma on my part since there was a conflict of interest between my personal responsibilities an employee as well as professional responsibilities, and the ethics involved therein. Ethical responsibilities of qualified accountants To begin with, Burgstahler et al. (2007) stated that accounting is essentially concerned with recording, measuring, and communicating information relating to the financial health of a company to interested parties that are internal and external to the business. The process begins at the point of transaction or when an economic event takes place such as offering of essential services or the receipt remuneration for the good or service delivered. The process ends when the economic event is recorded in a financial statement that is designed to enable the prospective users to make well-informed decisions in regards to their dealing with the company. Therefore, it is correct to state that the main duties of accountants is recording and reporting of financial information and this means that they bear greater responsibility in regards to the impact the financial statements will have on the users especially the decision taken in reliance to the financial statements (Roslender and Hart, 2003). With reference to the writings by Shah et al. (2011), they stated that because of the sensitivity of accounting duties, accountants are normally required by the law as well as the professional body to abide by certain ethical standards. In the writings by Bennett et al. (2006), they stated that ethics in the field of accounting refers to the study of moral values and judgments as they apply to accountancy practice. Cheffers and Michael (2007) added that in the present moment there is great emphasis on accounting ethics, which is largely, attributed to the recent corporate scandals that even resulted to the collapse of some financial instituti ons. In order to counter-attack the criticisms and hinder fraudulent accounting practices, various professional accounting bodies and government agencies have designed remedies and regulations that are aimed at improving ethics within the accounting profession (Love, 2008). One of the key ethical responsibilities that have been imposed on qualified accountants across the World is integrity, of which Duska et al. (2011) described it as the act of being straightforward and honest in all professional and business relationships. Edward (2006) stated that this ethical responsibility is built on the premise that the advice and work performed by qualified accountants should not be influenced by self-interest or the interest of others. The International Ethics Standards Board of Accountants’ (IESBA) Code of Ethics section 110 under the integrity section states that a qualified accountant is not allowed to knowingly associate with financial statements that he or she believes that the information contained in such statements is misleading. Additionally, a qualified accountant is forbidden from knowingly associating with financial statements that has been furnished in a reckless manner and thirdly, statements that have numerous omissions of certain crucial information, which makes the entire statement misleading. The second key ethical

Monday, July 22, 2019

The Ultimate Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy Essay Example for Free

The Ultimate Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy Essay The Ultimate Hitchhiker’s Guide is the collection of five books in one novel. A combination of clever wits and hilarity, this book is sure to let you laugh out loud. This book brings simple things into extraordinary packages (like making a fuss about a digital watch and a bath towel). The book, although written in a sharp and notable style is also full of humor.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The story is a parody, which is a form of writing that uses the conventions and rules of one form and uses them for hilarity or comic effect. It can be distinguished from satire form because satire just points out human folly and reforms them, while parody is in the style of writing itself.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   One of the most noticeable themes in The Ultimate Hitchhiker’s Guide is the absurdity of the story. Things in the story happen randomly without meaning or cause. Although absurdity is one of the major themes of the story, most of the random meaningless things that occur in the story actually have meanings – they are the product of the Infinite Improbability Drive on the Starship Heart of Gold. The absurdity of the themes allows the author to introduce oddities in the story. The Author   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Douglas Noel Adams, also known as Bop Ad and DNA, was an author, a radio dramatist and a musician all rolled into one. He is well known for his work, The Hitchhikers’s Guide to the Galaxy, which is a series that began on the radio, and was later on developed into a trilogy of five books, a television series, a towel, a comic book series, a computer game, and a feature film. (Douglas Adams)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Adams also wrote Doctor Who, Dirk Gently, Liff, and Last Chance to See. The idea of the computer game Starship Titanic also originated from Douglas Adams. (Douglas Adams)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Furthermore, he was also known as an environmental activist, actively participating in the campaign for the preservation and the restoration of the environment. He was also a self-described â€Å"radical atheist†, and a certified techie (he loves cars, cameras, Macintosh computers, and other gizmos). He even uses the electronic mail and the Usenet long before it was widely known. (Douglas Adams)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   He died at the age of 49 and has been an institution in the field of fantasy fandom circles and science fiction. (Douglas Adams) Characters Arthur Dent – the feeble lead character of the story who never fails to give hilarious stand-ups with his sidekick Ford Prefect Ford Prefect – a daring, researcher of the revised edition of the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy who considered himself as an out of the work actor; he dragged Arthur Dent and together, they travel the galaxy using the Hitchhiker’s Guide Zaphod Beeblebrox – the totally out to lunch president of the galaxy; a two-headed, three armed ex-hippie Trillian – formerly known as Tricia Mcmillan; girlfriend of Zaphod whom Arthur tried to hook up with in one of the galaxy’s time zone Marvin – a brilliant, obsessed, and sequentially depressed robot Veet Voojagig – a graduate student who is very much obsessed with ball-point pens’ disappearance Slartibartfast – the one who told Arthur the Earth’s story Deep Thought – the extremely intelligent computer Benjy Moouse and Frankie Mouse – the mice that tried to get Arthur’s brain from him Slartibartfast – the Earth’s designer, who is very proud to receive an award for his design of the Norwegian fords   Protetnic Vogon Jeltz – the commander of the Vogon Construction Fleet; the one who assigned to demolish the Earth Eddie – the annoyingly cheerful computer on board the Heart of Gold Flook – one of the computer programmers who programmed Deep Thought Summary The story begins when Arthur Dent wakes up just to discover a bulldozer about to tear down his house because someone is planning to build a galactic freeway. He went out and lies in front of the bulldozer saying that he doesn’t know of the plans until the day before. Moments before a cosmic construction team demolish the Earth to build a galactic freeway; Arthur Dent is dragged off the planet by his daring friend Ford Prefect, a researcher for the book, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. As they journey through the endless and unknowable space, they literally wreak hilarious havoc. Ford always carries with him the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, a book which contains the so-called ‘guide’ to one’s travel in the universe. In it are the words â€Å"don’t panic†, written in a â€Å"large and friendly letters†. Ford, following what is written on the book, also carries with him a large bath towel believing that it is the â€Å"most massively useful thing an interstellar hitchhiker can have.† In this part of the story, we can see that the nature of things on Earth is very much universal. Meanwhile, Marvin, Zaphod Beeblebrox and his girlfriend Trillian are traveling inside a new traveling ship (Heart of Gold), stolen by Zaphod. They bumped with Arthur and Ford Prefect in the universe vacuum. Together, they journey towards a mythical planet known as Magrathea. This planet is known to construct other planets and for some reasons unknown to all of them, Zaphod wanted to visit this planet. (Zaphod forgets some things because he conditioned his two brains to do such). Finally, the Heart of Gold landed to the planet they all want to go – Magrathea. They decided to explore the place first and when they notice that the impact created by their space ship resulted to open the planet’s crust to reveal underground networks of tunnels. They decided to go inside the tunnel while leaving Arthur and Marvin behind. While inside the tunnel, they suddenly realized that the door behind them were shut and the place they are in are beginning to be filled with gas. On the other hand, while Arthur waits for the others to return, he reads the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, particularly a part where it discusses what happens to a lost biro (a ball-point pen). An elderly man named Slartibartfast suddenly appeared into the view introducing himself to Arthur. He then asked Arthur to come with him in his air car. Slartibartfast took Arthur into the place were they make luxury planets. He also told Arthur that they are now rebuilding a planet called Earth and that Earth is a custom-made luxury planet. Slartibartfast works in Norway and so he was very upset to hear that the planet was destroyed. Moreover, he was told that the original Earth was actually commissioned, and was supposedly to be run entirely by mice. But the most unacceptable fact of all is that human beings are just part of a research program. Slartibartfast then started to tell Arthur the Earth’s tale. He told him that the millions of years ago, a particular race of very intelligent creatures were all set to determine the very meaning of life. Because of this, they created an extremely intelligent computer called ‘The Deep Thought’. Two of its programmers, Lunkwill and Fook ask Deep Thought to tell them the answer to the real meaning of everything. Deep Thought then told them that in seven and a half million years, the Question will be answered. Arthur was very much awed by the story but he tells him that he really have no idea what the connection is between the Earth, the computer and the mice. Slartibartfast then invited Arthur to his study and showed him the day of the Great Answer – seven and a half million years later. Arthur was plunged into the Sens-O Tape, a kind of tape that would take you to your requested time. A lot of people were waiting for the answer when Deep Thought then revealed that the answer to their Ultimate Question of Life is the Number Forty Two. Arthur then notices that the people doesn’t like Deep Thought’s answer, and the intelligent computer, justifying himself, told them that the problem is actually not with the answer, but with the question. If the people only find out what the real question is, they would be able to understand the answer. Unfortunately for the people, Deep Thought cannot provide them with the answer, but it offered help by saying that the he will design a very intelligent computer which can give them the answer. And that computer will be called The Earth. Meanwhile, on the other side of the story, Trillian and Ford listen to Zaphod as he tries to remember what happened to his brain. He then remembered that before Yooden Vranx, the former President of the Universe died, he visit Zaphod and asked him to run for the Presidency and steal the Heart of Gold. He also told Zaphod to modify his own brain so that he will pass the Presidential Brain Screening Test (this test will show all the things the candidates are thinking). At that moment, a Magrathean man tells them that the mice are now willing to see them. Arthur and Slartibartfast, on the other hand, are contemplating about the Earth’s destruction, as well as the fact that it happened five minutes juts before the computer program was completed. A man then appeared on the view and asked Arthur to meet the mice. The mice wanted to meet him because he was on Earth the night before the destruction happened and maybe he can tell him something really important. Arthur and Slartibartfast then met up with Trillian, Ford and Zaphod at the design room. Two mice, Benjy mouse and Frankie mouse, were the mice present at the meting. The mice decided that since Arthur was on Earth five minutes before the destruction, the structure of his brain can tell them the Ultimate Question. They offer to surgically remove it for him but Arthur doesn’t want to cooperate so the mice, together with the other Margatheans went down to get Arthur’s brain. The situation was almost hopeless for Arthur and his friends when an ear splitting alarm distracts all of them. Because of this, the four travelers use the distraction to get out. But the cops from the space ship with the ear splitting sound then cornered the four travelers but they soon found themselves again so lucky when they once again escaped. After the hard-won escape, they all then decided to take a bite at a restaurant located at the very end of the universe. Analysis   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The whole story almost revolves on looking for the Ultimate Question, which is the real meaning of life. It is an inescapable fact that whatever happens, and whatever time or era or place in space it is, the question of the real meaning of life never fails to haunts us all.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The story may be simple, even comical, but that doesn’t stop it from bringing us closer to the Ultimate Question about life. Why we live, the reason why we are here, the purpose of our existence, these are just some of the questions where we will find time to look for the answer.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   It was also mentioned in the story how important the great question is. Notice that the First Earth was destroyed but they still want to build another Earth for them to know what the real meaning of life is.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Notice that the story never mentioned the real answer to this question. This is because it is really close to impossible for us to know what life really is all about. It is up to each and every one of us to find the answer for ourselves.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The absurd simplicity of the answer (number 42) to the question also makes the story interesting. Just imagine if Deep Thought gave a much serious answer, it wouldn’t be as interesting as it was.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   It is also safe to note that the author actually uses mice as the creatures which, according to the story can control all human beings. It is an ultimate change because it is very rare, and that more often than not, human beings are always in control. Maybe it is just a representation how important every creation on Earth is. â€Å"Bureaucracy and incompetence continue to show up as a central theme alongside random, improbable coincidence. It is beginning to sound a bit like Chaos theory, which holds that order can be found in seemingly random data. One aspect of chaos theory is a phenomenon called sensitive dependence on existing conditions. The thought is that small changes in initial conditions can have drastic effects on the outcome. Douglas Adams Hitch Hiker series could be considered in some ways a humorous study of Chaos theory.†(Adams, 2005) Zaphod’s character can also remind us of today’s world leaders – leaders who do not tell their real motive of running for the position. Although his character is really kind, it is an indication that outside forces (like the former president) can turn a good leader to someone he is not. It is also interesting to note how Ford appreciates the way human beings speak of the obvious. Saying â€Å"It’s a nice day† when the weather is perfect, just says how we want to state what we often see.   It also states that a need to communicate with others is necessary because taken from what Ford said, human beings should have someone to talk to. Where they can tell what they are thinking, to show appreciation and affirmation. Furthermore, Marvin’s character (the robot) also tells us how human beings are fascinated with creating something that can help us make our lives easier. Take for example the case of the robot. Just imagine something that doesn’t sleep and doesn’t eat but can be able to do physical things an average human beings cannot do. But just like Marvin, it also tells us that robots can also make a lot of mistakes and that human beings are the ones who can really think for themselves. There is something called the Infinite Improbability Drive which is considered as the â€Å"engine† of the starship Heart of Gold. This is a representation that a lot of things in this world are improbable and we need a lot of experiences to discover the probable side of all these improbability. Another interesting part of the book is the part where it was mentioned that the loss of biro or ball-point pen brought problems in the world. Notice the comical effect of this part because instead of the starvation, hunger, or political killings, the author focused on a comical problem to create a hilarious effect on the story. It is also evident in the story how incompetence, bureaucracy and selfishness sometimes became the theme of the story. It should be noted how those who care much about finding the answer to life (the philosophers), are actually the ones who are also preventing it from coming to life. They are the ones who seem to be the happiest regarding the seven and a half million years because they will be very much benefited from this ignorance. The extraterrestrials and the aliens are also a big part of the story. The story tells us that aliens really exist and they are actually much more advance than us. It is now a question of whether we are going to believe it what the story tells us or not. According to studies, extraterrestrials are life that originated fro outside the planet earth – which is the only place in the entire universe known to support life. The existence of such life is currently hypothetical because there is not enough evidence to say that there really is life outside the earth. All in all, the story is a masterpiece, one that can touch both end of the spectrum because of its comical absurdity and hidden metaphorical meanings. Definitely a must read.   Reference: Adams, D. (2005). The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.  Ã‚   Retrieved December 04, 2006, 2006, from http://www.douglasadams.com/creations/0345391802.html

Sunday, July 21, 2019

International Resourcing and Talent Management

International Resourcing and Talent Management As organizations continue to expand businesses across an extensively global environment, they put great effort towards finding new and ever more efficient ways through which they can advance their competitive positions. In recent years, the persistent march of globalization has begun threatening, and in several cases, decreased many of the important fundamentals of competitive advantage that drive organizational performance. As entry costs into markets decrease and product markets expand, a vast number within the realms of businesses have come to understand that sustainable competitive advantage originates more from a firms internal resource endowments and its resource deployments (Lado Wilson, 1999). As a result, organizations now view the human resource practices and systems that underpin them as a vital component for securing sustainable competitive advantage. Not only are organizations becoming aware that the practice of doing businesses are culture bound, but also that the structures and systems for people management are uniquely determined by forces of tradition. In a research based on best practices of about 250 companies, Harris and Brannick (1999) present practical examples of how successful organizations source, recruit and retain excellent employees; the underlying factor identified as culture. International Human Resource Management should be studied within the context of the ever changing business and economic environment, as the flow of both the foreign and home business context in which firms operate is vastly changing. In taking on these different perspectives, it is imperative that multiple levels of analysis are used when studying IHRM i.e. the PEST environment (political, economic, social, and technological factors) as well as the industry, firm and cultural environment. The extent to which the practices of human resource management can be transferred between countries has been at the fore of considerable debate. Bartlett and Ghoshal (1991) argue that HRM practices and policies are becoming crucial as they can act as instruments for the control and co-ordination of international operations. On the other hand, Adler and Bartholomew (1992) assert that HRM constitutes a major restraint when organizations try to enforce global strategies. While previous research has mostly focused on differences in national cultures (Hofstede, 2001), the implications of these differences for the role of managers in multinational corporations (MNCs) have hardly been researched. This essay will attempt to evaluate if national culture matters in international resourcing and talent management. To do this, it is important to analyse culture. Therefore, the first part of the essay will critically review culture, national culture and the convergence and divergence debate. The second part is a critical evaluation of national culture on international resourcing and talent management. The third and final part of the essay concludes with a summary/concluding section with possible areas for future research. LITERATURE REVIEW Culture (Organizational And National) To properly understand the cultural implications of human resource within an organization, it is paramount to understand the culture concept. Although there are several definitions of culture, the term is generally used in describing a shaping process. As Phatak (1995) explains, an individual is not born with a particular culture; rather he or she gains it through the process of socialisation which starts at birth. Geert Hofstede (2001), a seminal writer on culture refers to culture as software of the mind, and identifies 5 dimensions of culture: the power distance dimension, individualism versus collectivism, masculinity versus feminism, uncertainty avoidance and long term versus short term orientation. Hofstede asserts that there are different levels to culture, resembling layers of an onion, and ranging from the easy to observe outer layers i.e. behavioural conventions and observable practices, to the more difficult to figure out inner layers such as values and assumptions. Management scholars have presented a range of definitions for the concept of organizational culture (Ravasi Schultz, 2006). Schein (2004) states that it refers to the practice organizations develop around handling its people (p.7). Hofstede (1998) defines organizational culture as a collective programming of the mind which distinguishes members of one organization from the other (p.478). Whilst there isnt a single widely accepted definition, it appears that there is some agreement that the definition should comprise a number of assumptions, social phenomena and behaviours held by members of an organization that help in shaping the ways in which they respond to their external environment, and to each other ( Ngo Loi, 2008). In recent years, the concept of national culture has begun to acquire an increasing prominence in organizational studies and this is largely due to the pioneering work of Hofstede (1980). In the interaction of human resource management (HRM) and national culture, one theory regarding both practice postulates that greater cultural distance between two entities will adversely affect the acceptance and transfer of HR practices from a local subsidiary to a foreign multinational company, while another suggests that corporations will try to abide by local management customs when they are faced with considerably large cultural distance from a foreign sub-unit (Gamble, 2003). Ample degree of support for each of these postulations are present in existing literatures on national culture and the capability of HR practices to be successfully implemented across such cultures. Hofstedes (1980: 372) note that organizations are culture-bound and the debate has laid emphasis on whether organizational culture serves to overpower some cultural norms related to a particular nation. Another interesting contribution to the debate is Sparrow et al.s 1994 study of HR managers and CEOs from across twelve countries. After giving out surveys and conducting a cluster analysis, Sparrow and his colleagues distinguished five clusters of countries (Sparrow, et al., 1994: 278). They are: Anglo-Saxon Cluster: Australia, Canada, Germany, Italy, United Kingdom and United States. Latin Cluster: Argentina, Brazil, Mexico. Cultural Island 1: France Cultural Island 2: Korea Cultural Island 3: Japan Identifying these clusters gives credibility to the assertion that significant differences based on national culture creates a different effect with regards to the efficiency of HRM practices constituted by MNCs. Further analysis revealed that despite the significant differences enough to justify categorization into various cultural clusters, there were certain practices i.e. resourcing items e.g. workforce size management, recruitment and training, performance management items and corporate responsibility for which convergence across clusters was existent (Sparrow, et al., 1994). The fact that in spite of divergent national cultures, these convergences in HRM exist shows that although variances occur through mechanisms such as levels of individualism and collectivism, the predominance of hierarchical societal structures, and the embracing of free market capitalism, there is ample amount of common ground on which international HRM can rest, especially when other determinants that moderate the efficiency of HRM practices in foreign subsidiaries are considered. Convergence And Divergence There have been emerging literatures on human resource management (HRM) strategies of multinational corporations (MNCs) over the last decade. Majority of this literature has focused on determining the factors that are behind the acceptance and implementation of these strategies and differentiating between different types of MNC strategies (Dowling et al, 1999). Over the last few decades, the debate on the convergence and divergence of work values continue to be in the forefront as multinational companies have struggled to comprehend the diverse value systems of their multi domestic operations, and if the cross-societal values pertaining to their workforces are becoming more alike or not (Ralston et al., 1993). Most of this argument surrounding the convergence-divergence debate centres on national culture and its effects on the viability of human resource practices within a given realm of operation. The wind of globalization has stretched the geographical reach of firms, broadened the mindsets of executives and plunged international business into new territories, one of such, the concern with national culture. While traditional international business research was concerned with legal/economic issues and organizational structures, the last two decades have seen the significance of national culture becoming increasingly important largely as a result of Hofstedes (1980) classic work. A review of the literature on cross-cultural applicability and global HR gives an insight into few key determinants that influences the ultimate efficiency of HR practices across national boundaries and the distinction of those practices across diverse localities. In the mid-1980s, Laurent (1986) wrote on the state of International Human Resource Management and concludes that the challenges facing the growing subject field of international human resource management is to decipher the multidimensional puzzle of organizational and national cultures. DOES NATIONAL CULTURE  MATTER IN IRTM? As businesses have transcended national boundaries, organizations face the challenge of conflicting requirements from global standardization and local customization, which has crucial implications for HR functions. With this, knowledge of cultural differences becomes critical. Existing research provides evidence that organizations adapt to a certain degree to national cultures in which they operate (Schuler and Rogovsky, 1998). Additionally, subsidiaries that are consistently managed with national cultural expectations tend to perform better that their counterparts that act otherwise (Newman and Nollen, 1996). National culture plays a very important and significant role in international resource and talent management. Ma and Allen (2009) argue that the theories describing national cultural values can give valuable insights into understanding the recruitment and the management of employees in organizations. Previous literature on international HR by Posthuma, et al., (2005) also supports the idea that national cultural values have an impact on HR practices such as selection, compensation, and turnover. Aycan et al (2000) assert that the increasing demands of the globalized and liberalized business environments have made researchers and practitioners to start paying more attention to the study of culture as an explanatory variable. Following Ployharts (2006) call for research on the effectiveness of staffing systems across cultures, Ma and Allen (2009) integrate the framework of Hofstedes (1998) cultural values with Barbers (1998) process model of recruitment to unravel a cultural value-based model of recruitment in order to support the research on the role of national cultural values in international resourcing. (Fig.1). In the model, Ma and Allen (2009) establish the possible impact of the five dimensions of cultural values of Hofstede on the relationships between major elements of recruitment and the outcomes suggested by Chapman et al., (2005) e.g. organization attraction, job pursuit intentions, acceptance intentions, the applicants overall assessment of the attractiveness of the organization. Thus, one of the major contributions of the framework is a specific recognition of the fact that the varying dimensions of national culture are extremely important during different recruitment exercises, depending on the intent of the parties involved and the nature of their interactions. Since there are significant differences in cultural values, substantial research have examined how these values differ based on various cultural dimensions (Hofstede, 1980; Gupta House, 2004). In the international human resource management field, Hofstedes dimensions have also been found to be relevant in explaining the differences in HR practices in multinational companies (Ferner, 1997). However, the fundamental analytical question is how far the behaviour of MNCs from different countries is informed by national differences in business systems. Firstly, it is noted that local isomorphism, a practice of organizations to behave as  local  firms and adjust their systems to  local  circumstances, is expected in certain areas of HR/IR due to constraining factors of host country rules and regulations. Secondly, some systems of national business systems make little or no sense if isolated from the group of features in which they are incorporated in the home country. Lincoln et a1.,(1995) assert that in this circumstance, the system does not travel well and states that it is important to understand how national cultures would fit into each other when resourcing . Lincoln et al., goes on to state an example of Japanese MNCs; that they may find it difficult to adapt to the techniques of home country personnel management in their foreign operations because the extensive formal systems that exist are so deep-rooted in the Japanese corporate culture Furthermore, Japanese MNCs in Europe prefer using expatriate managers because of the difficulties involved in sourcing for managers within the local labour markets that will have the appropriate degree of commitment, given that the managerial inter-firm mobility in Europe is more closely connected to a pursuit of career advancement (pp. 430-1). In other words, what Diilfer (1990: 264) refers to as degree of strangeness. This can be said to be between the host and home country, and this will create difficulty for the MNC to incorporate the practices and philosophies of the home-country. This practice can be problematic though, as reported by Dowling, Welch De Cieri, (1989) about an Australian expatriate general manager who was internationally resourced to head a new mining venture in Indonesia. The local Indonesian manager in charge at the host country could not figure out why the Australian expatriate was upset when he found out that he (the Indonesian) had hired most of his extended family rather than recruiting staff with the needed technical competence. In this circumstance, the Indonesian was simply making sure his obligation to his family was fulfilled. As he was in a position to give them jobs, it was an obligation to do so. The Australian, however, saw the Indonesians actions as a negative practice and nepotism, according to his own value system (Dowling, Welch De Cieri, 1989). In spite of the methodological cross-cultural research concerns, it is widely recognised that insensitive cultural behaviours and attitudes, stemming from misguided beliefs, ignorance or what works at home will work here are not only inappropriate but often are the major causes of international business failure that could put an expatriates job on the line as he has failed in his foreign operation. Therefore, to be able to retain the best talents in an organization to perform effectively in foreign locations, a cultural awareness is essential for a HR manager both at the corporate headquarters and at the host location as practices of the host country are often based on value systems peculiar to that countrys culture, and will be determined by actions such as hiring, promotion and compensation (Tung, 1993). Comparative research has paid a great deal of attention to the systemization of work within firms considering national differences. French firms are said to rigidly separate tasks within and between different strata in the organizational hierarchy (Poirson, 1993), while German firms show a much more blurry horizontal differentiation of functions and tasks (Sparrow and Hiltrop, 1994: 270-3). Cross-cultural influences most definitely have an impact in the processes of international resourcing and the retention of talent as tribal, ethnic and national borders become more porous. There is an important need for organizations to exploit aspects of the targeted host culture to aid maximum co-operation with local customs in foreign operations. In a study of Greek firms to determine the link between culture and management, Myloni et al (2004) address the areas of recruitment and selection, as well as compensation. In the study, it was found that in the area of recruitment, Greek firms use less standardized methods of selection, prefer internal recruitment and make use of references and recommendations than their multinational subsidiaries. This is associated with the high level of family orientation of the Greek culture to employ people they are familiar with, basing their selection on less objective criteria than their multinational subsidiaries. In the area of compensation, differences were found with regards to the level at which basic pay is determined as Greek companies rely a great deal on national or/and industry collective agreements while in multinational subsidiaries, basic pay is determined mainly at company and individual levels (Myloni et al, 2004). In the country of origin, personnel function structures and national culture has been used to clarify the differences of management policies of IR/HR of corporations. One of these discussions is addressed by Yuen and Hui (1993). In comparing Japanese and United States MNCs in Singapore, they concentrate on personnel function discrepancies in the business cultures of the two home-countries. They mention that in the US, management of labour is based on a model of recruiting and firing, high mobility of labour and market-determined wages, which is also known as economic-contractual model. In contrast, the model of Japanese HRM is grounded on multidimensional employment relations, also known as the human capital model. Wursten (undated) argues that when analysing national cultural differences and its influence on international resource and the management of talent, one of the fundamental elements to take into account is the difference in thinking patterns and reasoning between cultures. Wursten goes on to analyze eight competencies often used by recruiters to illustrate a cultural understanding need, along with the need for adaptation to the environment the expatriate would work in. They are sound judgement, strategic vision, planning organizing, drive for results, adaptability, delegating, fostering team work and competence. Cultural competent recruitment enables managers to predict the likely outcomes of management techniques and management policies in different national contexts, and to modify them where these approaches could be dysfunctional (Wursten, undated) The practice of National Cultural is not the only factor that influence international management practices. It is also influenced by certain elements such as workforce nature, competitors in the industry, the history and management of the organization, and organizational culture. Burman and Evans (2008) argue that before an initiative of cultural change, an assessment of the needs required to be able to identify and understand the current organizational culture should be carried out. Evaluations may be done through employee surveys and interviews, focus groups and observation where necessary, and other in-house research, to be able to clearly identify the areas that are in need of change. The organization must then make an assessment to clearly recognize the new, desired culture to be able to design a change process. According to Cummings Worley (2005, p.  491) this is specifically of relevant for equitable treatment control, employee integrity, and security of jobs. SUMMARY/CONCLUSION This essay is an attempt to straighten out some matters of contention regarding the effect of national culture and its influence on multinational corporations. A considerable body of evidence is visible to show that MNCs of the various national origins across the globe act in significantly different ways and most especially, the IR and personnel issues relating to cross-national management. Harzing and Hofstede (1996) argue that since national cultures appear to be collectivistic or individualistic, specific cultural values could inhibit change while others facilitate adaptation to change. Societies that are more open to change are identified with low power distance, individualism and low uncertainty avoidance. In addition, it is easier to foster innovation and change in loose culture rather than tight culture. Loose culture also symbolizes high diversity tolerance and it is suggested that CEOs of MNCs should support these values, most especially in the framework of high paced indust ries. The findings of this study also raise certain questions that are considered appropriate for future research. For example, are MNCs from certain countries more likely to transfer their own practices to host countries and less likely to adopt local practices in lenient host countries? What implications are obvious for managing IR and HR in a global context when MNCs choose to embody typical national characteristics? Todays business environment is without doubt getting increasingly complex, dynamic, highly competitive, and extremely volatile. Therefore, one major challenge for organizations and corporations is that they must be global and systematic in managing their human capital and resources in a differing cultural environment if they wish to have any hope of gaining and sustaining a competitive advantage in the years to come.